
The Art & Science of Racing Pigeons… by Stan Gawel Lofts
Welcome and greetings from Stan Gawel Lofts!
I recall vividly my humble beginnings. As a youngster of seven, I had an enormous fascination for all wildlife, but most especially birds.
My family emigrated to Canada, from Poland, when I was eight years old. I grew up observing and tending to an assortment of farm animals and pets of all kinds, some very non- traditional birds including crows, magpies, blue jays, sparrows, robins to mention but a few. It was not long before I had accumulated a veritable menagerie of every variety of pigeon available.
Under these unique circumstances it goes without saying that I developed some exceedingly useful insights into bird behavior. In time the understanding of bird behavior, their own unique personalities came naturally to me. After completing High School, I spent time studying Biological Sciences, Microbiology and Genetics thus adding greatly to my understanding of avian health and immune systems. It is most important to note that I had a natural aptitude in the science of Genetics, in fact if truth be told I excelled at it. It was an exciting time growing up, as my natural instinct in animal psychology, combined with a passion for scientific studies, and the desire to breed better birds led me to develop those insights or ‘bird sensibilities’ that are so crucial in breeding ‘the modern racing pigeon that is winning today’.
I developed an overall breeding approach, one element of which required at least 2 to 3 generations of winners in each pedigree. To this end I pursued the acquisition of the finest winning bloodlines from around the world. Needless to say, this strategy immediately impacted the success levels in my lofts. I purchased birds direct from Mr. Van Loon whose family had been inbred, at that time for some 47- 48 years. I had also acquired a special collection directly from the Janssen Brothers family that had been inbred for at least 50 plus years. Successful breeding is not just Science but it is also an Art. I undertook a highly selective program of crossings of pre-potent bloodlines. The result of this strategy was the production of my own family of winners and champions. Success was realized, not only in my loft, but also in the lofts of friends who had or have acquired birds from me.
I am reminded of this important quote “Success is a journey, not a destination…”
Therefore, I will always strive… I will constantly explore new horizons… and I will continue to move forward.
Currently, I am the President and CEO of Matrix Consulting, a National Disability Management Company in Canada with offices across Canada for the last 25 years. Since my time for the birds is limited, I try to send my best birds to friends and clients with a goal to help them achieve success . It is not unusual for me to host, many visitors and close friends from Europe, Asia and the USA. They come to view the Stan Gawel Lofts, a facility that is home to my winning family bloodlines.
I have great respect for my fellow pigeon fanciers and I do enjoy our great sport. I have made it a point of pride to always make time to give back to communities in need, and thus help promote the sport through charitable works and other sponsored donations for good causes.
I wish everyone all the best and thank you all for visiting our new website at Stan Gawel Lofts. Please enjoy your visit!
Yours in the Pigeon Sport,
Mr. Stan Gawel